Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Trombone Flamethrower? Yes Please!

This isn't one of my projects, but it is so amazing that I have to share it with you all.  The Riverfront Times got me hip to this, so props to them and even more props to the crazy kids who made the incendiary instrument.

I especially like the slow-motion sequence at the end of the video.

No. It's not sophisticated, it's not subtle.  And I've never been much of a trombone fan (even though my grandfather was an avid player and went by the moniker "Clyde the Slide").  But I have always found fire to be weird and wonderful.  And fire in unexpected settings is particularly irresistible.  Trombone Flamethrower definitely gets the Make It Weird seal of approval!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Technicolor Space Boobs!!

With heat indices flirting with 100 degrees F here, this will be a very unseasonable post.  But what better way to keep cool than with ultra-cool lighting solutions?  No discussion of The New Weird would be complete without a salute to my new favorite xmas lights:

These are Home Depot brand LED xmas lights, and they are AMAZING.  Yes, they are energy efficient and save the planet, so you don't have to feel bad about all the superfluous fossil fuels that power your holiday (and everyday) decor.  Yes, they are cool to the touch and won't burn down the cone of kerosene and tinder that is your xmas tree.  But, most importantly, they can do this:

Outer-space future xmas!  Brought to you by LED technology.  It's like the Ghost of Christmas Future emerging from my living room wall.  Gorgeous.

Xmas has always been a (wonderfully) arresting and lurid sight, but we're entering a whole new era of awesomeness with this globular, mammarian spectacle. 

Yes.  These lights project technicolor space boobs all over your walls!  And that is weirdness of the highest order.  So why reserve them for the winter months?  These lights are gorgeous enough to light up your life all year round.  I've got plans to class them up a little by turning them into a lamp.  That way, they'll cast weirdo circles on the walls but won't make the place feel like a dorm room at the same time.