Thursday, May 26, 2011

In Medias Weird

After affectionately christening 2011 "The New Weird," a not so clever pun on the New Year, I am glad to report that the first (nearly) six months have been quite weird indeed.  Crafting, arting, musicing, writing have all been included in the "make it" part of the formulation to which this blog is dedicated.  Meanwhile wigs, wings, and a new open-minded spirit have contributed an ongoing string of oddities to the "weird."

This blog was intended to chronicle my year as I "make it weird," both in terms of things created and oddness indulged.  And while the first half of The New Weird may have already passed through my temporal fingers, I can begin with some recap posts, and continue on as the weird fancy take me.  In the meantime, check out this link to my Flickr page, where you can preview some very weird collages I've been working on, and stay tuned for future weirdness in all it's forms.

Weirdly yours,

PS Here are some disco balls that you might enjoy...

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